Road sign “Objects, obstacles or parts (fallen) on the road”

The new symbol to be used for the danger warning sign of „Objects, obstacles, or parts falling/fallen on the carriageway or road)“ provides the required visual clues to be learned, recognised and acted upon, while it remains clearly visible and distinguishable from other signs even at small scale depiction. Continue ReadingRoad sign “Objects, obstacles or parts (fallen) on the road”

Internationales Symbol für „Elektrische (Fahrzeug-) Ladeeinrichtung/Punkt oder Station“

the image shows the graphical symbol TS0460, to be used for Electric Vehicle Facilities, Stations or Points

Das grafische Symbol TS0460 wird bald international für die Verwendung auf Verkehrszeichen standardisiert und ist laut RVS 03.07.21 als Bodenmarkierung vorgesehen. → This text is available in English language. Die Continue ReadingInternationales Symbol für „Elektrische (Fahrzeug-) Ladeeinrichtung/Punkt oder Station“

Road signs parking prohibition: Current ambiguous use of arrows, and 2 solutions

During the review of the 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals by the United Nation’s “Expert Group on Road Signs and Signals” in May 2017, it became obvious to Continue ReadingRoad signs parking prohibition: Current ambiguous use of arrows, and 2 solutions