How does it work?

Discriminability for conspicuity and comprehension

If you can’t see information, there is no information. Depending on a given scenario, people do not take up information in the environment like they read a book. If looking for clues on how to find the way, or how to orientate, we visually search by glancing. As soon as a clue to follow is found (for instance a sign of distinct shape and colour) we switch to scanning, since we now know what to look for. For glancing and scanning, information needs to be conspicuous to be noticed.

When looking for e.g. a destination name on a signboard, we scan, too. Skimming the text, we only stop when we find the piece of text or symbol we look for to find additional clues. This time, the information must be discriminable in order to allow for a largest possible variety and number of people, under a variety of visual (and other) impairments, stress, time restraints and environmental conditions to work.

When actually reading a text sign (almost) the way we do in a book, discriminability (= legibility, if relating to text) is essential, too. The same requirements as above apply, except for time and stress, which could be considered here as less influential.

Conspicuity, discriminability, comprehension and action build upon each other (in that order)
The MOA Design Method improves efficiency of visual information by increasing its discriminability. This way, information and its transmission are manipulated to meet highest possible performance. Based on such visual information, conspicuity and comprehension of it’s meaning are well supported, leading to a well-grounded ability of the viewer to take adequate action.

Design and Calculation

The MOA Design Method relies on two interacting concepts to enhance information efficiency-

  • “SGD Design” principles, and
  • “MOA Math” calculations.
SGD Design is a method to shape any graphical component of an information object in such a way that discriminability and scalability is established, while MOA Math provides the adaption to the requirements of viewers, such as viewing distance etc., securing discriminability via precise scaling calculations.

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