Tern typeface

  • Mandatory Austrian road traffic signage typeface
    since October 3rd, 2013, see bill “BGBLA 2013 II 292
  • Standard road traffic signage typeface in Slovakia
    since February 1st, 2016, Slovak standard STN 01 8020
  • Standard for full-matrix-displays “DRIPS” in the Netherlands

How to buy:

  • Online shop – Tern is available via terntype.com, payment: PayPal.
  • Manual sale – For payment via bank account please fill out ternorderform.docx and return it via email. This process takes 2 days minimum, as it is done manually – delivery via email as soon as payment is registered on our bank account. With the purchase of Tern typeface, you agree to conform with the End-User license Agreement (EULA) found on the pages of terntype.com

Origins and objectives

Road traffic typeface “Tern”, short name for “Trans European Road Network” is one of the results of project SOMS/In-Safety (Infrastructure and Safety, 2005–2008), Sixth EU research Framework Programme.

Tern typeface was developed and tested to enhance discriminability of typographic characters, allowing for improved legibility over greater viewing distances than previously possible. This way, motorists are put into position to earlier comprehend information, and therefore earlier and more accurately react to avoid possible accidents. Download file: Typeface test report

Properties of improved discriminability enhance the efficiency of visual information for scenarios beyond road traffic. The MOA Design Method described here represents the basis for creating efficiency enhanced visual information.

Tern character set
Tern character set, applying to all Tern fonts

Tern regular

Tern regular

Tern narrow

Tern narrow

Tern italic

Tern italic

Tern VMS onefour

Tern VMS onefour

Tern VMS twozero

Tern VMS twozero

Tern VMS twofour

Tern VMS twofour

Tern VMS threeone

Tern VMS threeone

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